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The founding members of the legal division “FEEL AT HOME” are specialists in migration procedures with more than fourteen years of experience in this matter.


Both have directed, coordinated and supervised in one entity all activities related to migration by foreigners, in accordance with the provisions of the law.


Likewise, and at the request of federal, state and municipal government instances, they provided multiple training sessions to public officers inside and outside said institution. Among the outstanding courses, those taught on issues related to human rights of migrants and refugees stand out.



Degree in International Relations

Certified as an instructor in detection of human trafficking

By the International Office for Development, Assistance and Training in the OPDAT Legal Attaché Office, of the United States Department of Justice.


Specialist in government relations, migration issues, intelligence, security and human trafficking, with a focus on human rights, gender equality, governance and governability, with administrative, operational, analysis and strategic planning experience in multicultural environments and in managing crisis situations, she also has extensive experience as head of the National Migration Institute at the state level, who during her tenure developed proposals for improvement by implementing new work systems.

In 2007, on behalf of the National Migration Institute, she received the Genesis Award, in the category of Social merit for work for the good of the migrant community.


Teaching courses and presentations on migration for the Magno American University (Michoacán), Ciénega University (Michoacán), Internal Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Public Security (Michoacán), Mexican University of Studies and Postgraduate Studies (Jalisco).



Degree in Law

Specialty in polygraphy

By the Center for Research and National Security, CISEN.

Certified as an instructor

By ATA, United States Office of Anti-Terrorism Assistance.

Certified as a first contact trainer for victims of gender violence 

By the Ibero-American Training and Certification Center (CIFORCE) with the endorsement of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), Labor Competition 2022 of the National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies (CONOCER).


Attorney with extensive experience in Migration Law, Administrative Law, Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees, Gender Equality and Protection, in addition to her experience in other areas of Law, who for more than fifteen years has coordinated work teams in strategic legal areas; which in turn has management and supervision skills in different areas of work as it was in the National Migration Institute where she held strategic positions developing special projects and was in charge of the migration operational control of an entire state, work history which represents a positive impact in helping migrants who wish to live or carry out any activity in Mexico.


Who has recognition from the Ministry of the Interior and the then Attorney General’s Office now Prosecutor General’s Office (FGR), as a speaker in the workshop “Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees”.


Teaching courses, workshops and presentations at universities and public agencies on Administrative Procedure, Migration Law, Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees, as well as Gender Perspective.


reconocimiento derechos humanos
reconocimiento victimas de violencia de genero
reconocimiento derechos humanos
Revonocimiento derecho migratorio
REconocimiento migración y xenofobia
Magno americana reconocimiento a fundadora Feel at home
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